Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings

Today we’re talking virtual! Since March of last year, we’ve been thrust into a new era of virtual work, meetings, and Zoom calls. Throughout this last year we’ve all become more accustomed to conducting our business calls and meeting talking to a screen instead of to a person. Why not spruce up the background of your calls with a fun backdrop or door sign?

Anything you’d like to cover; you can turn into a billboard! Done with a special stretch fabric that is printed and then sewn into anything you’d like! Get a large custom fabric banner for a wall of your office or a door runner that can come with back to your office! Welcome teachers and students, or remote workers back to in-person!

We here at SWFL Marketing Group love to assist our customers in making meaningful connections with their audience, and we strive to help our customers invite, excite, recognize, and reward their clients! Let us help you Stand Up and Shine in your industry with logoed items that will make an impression.

We are available to our customers by phone, email, or at our physical location!


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Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.