Get Ready for 2023!!
When is the best time(s) to make or review a business or marketing plan and how can we save some money still this year?
As I am writing this, we are less than 3 weeks away from the new year. Our team will be setting time aside before the new year to go through a review of this year and set new objectives for the next year. My feeling is we are not alone as an upcoming year is a natural time to make some plans.
I would think that other times would be a review and checking on plans every quarter is another almost natural time. Many years ago, I participated in a coaching program called The Strategic Coach in which our group met at quarterly in person sessions and reviewed our businesses results and targets and learned useful strategies to aid in achieving our business objectives. To stay on track with a weekly review and plan is a great way ensure the quarter turns out well. How about daily. I recently listened to an Audible book by Dan Sullivan founder of The Strategic Coach that motivated me to review my wins daily which is a great time frame to develop a habit. He stressed that a win can be a learning experience as well so if you look for success you will find it.
Of course, every organization is as unique as its team members, and I would think if the process works… that it is a process to keep practicing. Our team would love to assist should you need any physical items to keep team members on track.
Examples of tools that we offer could be signage at meetings and around the office to remind folks of objectives and celebrate successes, recognition for team members achievements, items for note taking or even books that enforce the objectives of the plan or the organization.
My last note is on saving some money and stressing less.
Several financial and accounting firms send me their tips regularly and many of them suggest prepaying deductible expenses normally due early in 2023 before the end of the year. We agree and we would love to help you stock up early on promotional items you are planning to use early in 2023 by ordering this month and locking in this year’s pricing, this year’s inventory, avoiding a rush as your in hands date approaches. On request we can invoice your organization in 2023 for an order that ships early next year.
At this time of year, we wish all readers a safe and happy holiday season and a great upcoming year to grow your organization and contribute to those in our communities that count on you.
In the weeks approaching 2023 we welcome an email or a call to our office at 239-437-4370, and we will jump on getting you the info you are looking for! Martin would also love to assist you with any project on the horizon! He can be reached directly by calling or texting his cell, 239-316-9367 or emailing Ma****@sw**********.com!