Shipping Your Holiday Corporate Gifts

News regarding delivery of Promotional Merchandise

plan ahead to get your corporate gifts delivered

Many of our customers call on us at this time of year for corporate gifts. We are in a deadline driven industry and in normal times it is event based and this year much of what was normal is not that way, but we are used to dealing with deadlines. In the holiday time we have before Christmas as one deadline and during the holidays production is stressed and shipping is stressed so everyone who places orders needs be aware that order to in hands time frame is longer than usual.

Our most common way to deliver products is to place a bulk order and deliver it to our customer as one order and then they take over the distribution to the recipients.

One service that is available this year much more than ever before is drop shipping directly to the recipient. This can be a significant time saver and a labor saver. Generally, the process is simple (only needing a spreadsheet of delivery addresses to accompany the order) and reasonably priced. During the year more and more of our supplier partners have been offering this service at a greatly reduced price due to the demand to get items to those working from home and the competitive environment that the pandemic has caused.

Please reach out to any one on our team with any questions you have from ideas on the best items for your audience to how to get them delivered on time.

Thank you and all the best for the holidays from our team to yours.


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Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.