Sending out greeting cards is an inventive way to keep your brand in front of your customers while also showing your audience that you care! During the holiday season, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Holiday, and New Year’s cards are quite popular!
One of the most effective ways to keep your audience engaged is repetition of your brand. If they receive your emails, see your building, see signs and marketing from you, and receive things in the mail from you; when the time comes that they need your services, you’re going to be the first business on their mind! Sending a kind “I’m Thinking of You” holiday card is a kind way to remind them that you (and your business) appreciate them and is around and willing to assist them!

Inside the card you can take the opportunity to include an offer or birthday/holiday special to incite your audience! A special offer is a phenomenal way to bring customers back who you haven’t done business with recently, or to reward large clients! You can also include your contact information and social media handles to increase awareness of your brand!
We are happy to assist you in creating a custom item that will help you stand out and shine to your clients! As always, our on staff graphic designer is able to create unique and lasting designs for all of your items… and one hour of design time is included in every order! We can even take care of the addressing and mailing of your holiday cards!