Prepare for Halloween!

Halloween is a huge industry in the United States, with spending reaching into the billions every year! The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates that $8.8 Billion dollars was spent in 2019, with individual shoppers spending approximately $86.27 each (National Retail Federation, 2019). 68% of Americans celebrate every year, with 37% of those planning to start shopping and decorating before October begins, with 6% starting before September! With this Halloween taking place on a Saturday, it’s sure to be a bustling holiday this year! Excite and delight your audience with a Halloween surprise to show your support (and to show off your brand!)

With the Corona Virus pandemic still looming over our heads, consumers still want to be safe, but with costumes being the top item people spend money on – approximately $3.2 billion dollars spent, your audience is going to be looking for face masks they can pair with their costumes! We can offer a solution! We have fully sublimated mask options that we can make spooky- but with your brand! Take advantage of this scary good opportunity!

The third largest category of spending for the Halloween season is candy! According to the NRF, approximately $2.6 billion dollars are spent annually on Halloween candy, with $2.7 billion being spent on spooktacular decorations! We can stock you up with individually packaged candies, branded trick-or-treat bags, and glowing safety bracelets and small flashlights for your employees and audience’s kiddos who will be out and about this Halloween! Whether you are running a company trunk-or-treat, or are looking to have branded and themed candies for your reception areas and lobbies, we’ve got solutions for you!

Let us guide you through the haunted house of promotional products, so you can come out unscathed on the other side!

Have a Happy & Safe Halloween!


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Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.