Ideas to Recognize Those Vital to Your Organization

Hi there! Welcome to our office. I am Martin Pahnke, Partner and Lead Advisor at SWFL Marketing Group. Today I want to talk about internal marketing. One of my favorite areas where we help our businesses and organizations is in recognition. An organization’s biggest assets is its employees and members. The reason these key stakeholders stay engaged in the work they do is often because they believe in the mission of the organization and because the leaders regularly recognize their contribution.

I want to show and tell you about a few examples of awards that we help our customers with.

The Collier Building Industry Association annually recognizes premier member builders, designers, marketers, volunteers and other leaders at a prestigious gala attended by over 400 guests and the award winners receive a personalized crystal octagon sand dollar award. Winners often order additional pieces to show off at their business offices.

The Naples Chamber of Commerce annually graduates approximately 90 members from its leadership program. At the celebration, they receive a personalized crystal award representing their commitment and achievement now being one of the informed leaders in Collier County. This item was a custom piece like the one shown in this catalog but designed to our customer’s specifications.

The Business Network of SWFL annually recognizes the contributions of its volunteers including this award for its outgoing president.

Crystal awards, stone awards, custom made pieces, plaques and many more custom items can be an ideal solution to recognize contributions of valuable office and sales representatives for profit companies and volunteers and members of nonprofit organizations. Sometimes awards can commemorate a successful campaign or business merger as well. We can help our customers with as few as one custom award up to hundreds of beautiful appropriate pieces.

Our team is available to help with ideas for your organization if you are thinking of starting or expanding a recognition program. Please give us a call at 239-437-4370 or look on our website on the what we do page under awards and see some of the awards we can get for you.
Our team looks forward to your inquiry.


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