Introducing the AIRPOP!

Airpop is the leading breathing protection with Professional grade material & Consumer level comfort, Exceeding Industry Standards!

Airpop Key Features:

  • Superior Filtration >99% Filter efficacy (Light SE & Pocket)
  • Superior Fit – Ergonomic Designs and materials
  • Superior Breathability – <1/3 Resistance of N95


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100+ Ways to Use a Mug

It’s reusable packaging for any product that will fit inside (reuse as a coffee mug or desk caddy).  It’s a memo (imprint with important company



Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.