New Year, New Unique Custom Items!

Welcome 2021!

New Year, New Me! Well, new customizable gift items, anyway!

Now that we are in the new year, we’re seeing lots of customers needing new ideas for their corporate marketing campaigns; both for internal gifts, and wider marketing campaigns. Our suppliers are sharing what’s new in their 2021 lineups and what works best, so we will be sharing ideas here and by direct communication to keep our audience up to date.  

We came across a great brand name item,  that we wanted to share. Thermos brand items are known for being top-notch for keeping hot things hot, and cold things cold, so when we saw this great item, we got excited!

When a new year starts many set their annual resolutions and the #1 most made New Year’s Resolution is to lose some weight and get healthier. The video here shows off a 16 oz vacuum insulated food jar that keeps fresh fruit and vegetables cool for up to 14 hours and can keep hot soup or oatmeal piping hot for up to 9 hours. One of the trickiest things about eating healthy is having good food nearby when you’re feeling “snacky”, and this is a fantastic solution for that. So why not give your employees that extra help this new year, while also showing off your logo! With a high end item, your recipients will use it for a long time to come, giving your brand even more exposure!


What a great gift item to keep those important to your organization happy and healthy and thinking of your organization at the start of 2021! Call on our team for more information on this and similarly useful custom branded items we can provide for you.

We are available to our customers by phone, email, or at our physical location!


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Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.