Reinforce Your Digital Marketing with Signs

Reinforce Your Digital Marketing With Signs

Hi there! I’m Martin Pahnke partner of SWFL Marketing Group, and we help our clients in a tangible marketing space. What that means… Our Trade Association calls it “Advertising You Can Feel”, and it really appeals to the six senses.  In these rough times that we’re in right now, a lot of businesses are struggling. But it’s not a time to let your foot off the gas! You have to continue marketing. We are in favor of digital marketing, it’s a really good way to reach your target audience, whether its Facebook, Google Ad Words, or just SEO on your website. But when it comes to your consumers driving around, they’re not on their phones or their computers when they’re driving… they can see your signage on a corner, in front of your place! They can see your flags that you put in front of your place. This one here stands up whether there is wind or not. If you’re thinking about a gift during this time of year, get an umbrella with your logo on it! Customers really appreciate getting a branded item if it’s useful. Here’s an example of our tent that you can use for golf tournaments, for outside events including customer appreciation, and I set up a tablecloth here on top of the table, which works perfectly inside, but from time to time if you’re doing outside events we can help you with one that stretches and will not move in windy weather. A logoed entrance mat, just to keep that branding in front of the customer, and again one more vehicle. Get a vehicle magnet, or maybe you want a full wrap just to get your vehicles noticed; your fleet in front of your audience all the time.

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Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

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Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.