Increase Productivity with New Promotional Item

Increase Workplace Productivity

Hi, Good Morning! I’m Martin Pahnke- Welcome to my office. These are the offices of SWFL Marketing Group, and a lot of things get done here! What I’m talking about today is an organizational tool and productivity tool. Here’s an example of some notes I’ve taken in the last few days, and right now they’re neatly organized, but what happens in the clutter of a day… things can get LOST, and definitely it’s hard to share them. 

So, anyway, I have a tool that’s been around for quite some time in the retail market. It was actually featured on Shark Tank, and the name of the tool is Rocketbook! It recently got launched in our industry, so we can put corporate logos on the front of the Rocketbook and you can share them with those important to you! Whether that is employees or special customers, and if I can do it- anybody can do it! Today I downloaded the Rocketbook app, my assistant, Amanda, has been using it for months, and she loves it! 

So I loaded it on my phone, and what I did is I just prepared some notes here, that are on this special paper in the Rocketbook, and basically you can write on it *with the special FriXion pens* and you can save it, and when you’re done with it, you can erase it! 

What happens is, we just select the locations that we want to download the notes to, so I have an email location, and I have a Google Drive location. We just select them from the predetermined locations, that are customized for me! Then we hit sent, just a little while ago, and I go onto my Gmail and… there it is! It’s in my email! So that can be one email, or it can be multiple emails, so if you want to email it to your team. Then I go to Google Drive, where I have a special folder for Rocketbook and… here it is! So, “Test August 26th” is the heading, with special tabs you can have the heading of the document be the name of the file! It is easy to use with just a little bit of practice, and if you want more information; just give us a call or send us an email… our phone number is 239-437-4370. We can get you some special test pages, that you can use to try out the Rocketbook app, at no cost.

Thank you, and we look forward to your calls!



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