We’re thankful to be able to help our customers!

2021 has certainly been interesting. Our small business just like many others has been impacted by much of what is going on for the last 20 months, but as Thanksgiving approaches we certainly have much to be grateful for. Our team has remained healthy,  we have been fully staffed, our supplier partners have stayed open to serve us, our customers have called on us and understood when things took longer than before, and a whole lot more!

Typically as we near the end of the year our team prepares to attend our huge industry shows where we get to meet with our top supplier partners and find out what is new, what is working and just prepare to help our customers in the best way possible with their marketing initiatives using custom logoed items. 2021 had none of the large January in person events take place and for January 2022 we have these on our calendars to attend. We are looking forward to visiting both shows and researching solutions for our customers again as before. We as a team feel our value is huge over a customer going online and researching what to use or where to buy promotional products on their own. We can sort through the clutter and provide the best options from the diverse offerings available from our top suppliers. Our suppliers stand behind the custom logoed products we order from them and allow us to stand behind what we recommend and get produced.
We do not knowingly take an order that will not arrive by the time you need it!

This year one way we solve supply chain, inventory and slow production issues is to get custom items produced. We get calls for reorders of items that are out of stock often for months or turn around in the factory is at 5 weeks.

A solution sometimes is to get custom items or overseas items produced and shipped by air. Just today one of our partners that helps us with event signage advised us of a new service offering of decorating custom apparel with 10 piece minimum orders and 2 week turnaround times. My point is that a call to our team can often lead to a different item solving a customer’s marketing need to “Thank, Invite, Excite, Recognize, or Reward” those important to their organization. Different meaning that a suitable product arrives on time decorated with the correct logo and message for the audience to achieve our customer’s marketing objective when the reorder item was not available at all or when needed.

We love to be a problem solver in this area. Thank you to our great supplier partners that we will see in person in January.

If your team has a challenge with backorders or slow production we would love to take on the challenge and help you navigate this challenge. Our phone, virtual, or in person exploratory meetings are at no cost or obligation and are often accompanied by free samples.

We are available to our customers by phone, email, or at our physical location!


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Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.