Third Quarter is here!

Currently in our industry, production times are seeing all-time highs and inventory is seeing an all-time low due to a multitude of factors in our current world. Making sure that our clients receive their orders on time is still a priority to us, so we have tips for you to use to help your events go off without a hitch!

  1. Start planning your events far in advance
    Starting to plan about 2 months before your event is ideal. You can use our sample timeline in our Plan Ahead Blog to help you figure out a timeline for your events coming up!

  2. Be Open to Suggestions
    Item inventory is sparce in a lot of areas right now, so being open to our suggestions can make it easier to find an item that will work for you!
    For instance, if you know you need t-shirts and you want a light blue color, allowing us to help you choose a style that has good inventory and being open to looking at different styles, brands, and fabric type will allow us to help you find a shirt you’ll love, that you can actually get!

  3. Ordering apparel FIRST
    With apparel in particular, inventory is sporadic and fast moving. An item that has 1000+ pieces in all sizes when you start, may be completely out of stock by the time that your order is ready to place! Knowing the quantities and sizes of the items you need when you start your project allows us to order the apparel before we start on anything else, allowing us to secure your inventory so you can relax and focus and curate the perfect layout for your project with our in-house Graphic Artist!

  4. Get creative!
    Being creative with your item choice and message will allow you more flexibility when choosing a product. We have access to hundreds of suppliers and thousands of products, so we can help you find a unique, awesome item that showcases your message and brand!

  5. Ask for help!
    We are here, and excited, to help you through every step of getting your promotional products! We’d love to sit down with you and talk about your event, where and when it is, what your goals for it is, and all the details! Then we can talk about all the different promotional products we can offer that would fit your theme, budget, and event!

Quarter 3 Calendars

Holidays to start thinking about!
  • Labor Day (Sept 5th)
  • First day of Autumn (Sept 22nd)
  • Halloween (Oct 31st)
Holidays to start thinking about!
  • Halloween (Oct 31st)
  • Election Day (Nov 8th)
  • Veteran’s Day (Nov 11th)
  • Thanksgiving (Nov 24th)
Holidays to start thinking about!
  • Election Day (Nov 8th)
  • Veteran’s Day (Nov 11th)
  • Thanksgiving (Nov 24th)
  • First day of Winter
    (Dec 21st)
  • Christmas (Dec 25th)
  • New Year’s Eve
    (Dec 31st)

Quarter 4 Calendars

Holidays to start thinking about!
  • First day of Winter
    (Dec 21st)
  • Christmas (Dec 25th)
  • New Year’s Eve
    (Dec 31st)
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan 16th)
Holidays to start thinking about!
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan 16th)
  • Valentine’s Day
    (Feb 14th)
Holidays to start thinking about!
  • Valentine’s Day
    (Feb 14th)
  • Daylight Savings Time Begins (Mar 12th)
  • St. Patrick’s Day (Mar 17th)
  • First day of Spring
    (Mar 20th)

Please do not hesitate to contact us to set up your in-person or remote meeting to plan out your next Promotional Product campaign, idea, or project!
We are available to our customers by phone, at 239-437-4370, by email, or at our physical location! We look forward to hearing from you!


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Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.