
It’s not hard to see that mental health effects physical health, and the way that we see our world around us. Staying healthy through a pandemic is hard enough but making sure that we stay mentally healthy as well is even harder. Feeding our bodies and minds with things that are good for us is so incredibly important.

At the beginning of March, Florida shut down and began an intense quarantine that negatively impacted many individual’s mental health. While a great deal of employees got moved to a work-from-home situation, many more lost their jobs entirely. 2020 has been a perfect storm for stress for many!

Something that employers and businesses can do to show their appreciation and support to their employees and their audience is support their well-being and welfare. Whether that is by giving Thank You gifts to clients that have continued supporting your business throughout this tough economical time; or by giving your employees something nice to show them that their hard work is valued and appreciated, a little goes a long way!

When thinking about what to give, choosing an item useful to the recipient will ensure that they actually keep and use the item. Many people struggle with drinking enough water, so branded water bottles are always a good choice. Staying hydrated is important to so many functions in the body including regulating body temperature, preventing infections, keeping organs functioning properly, and can improve sleep quality, cognition, and mood! Giving a water bottle to assist in hydrating your employees and audience can show that you care about them staying happy and healthy!

In addition to drinking water, many employees simply eat out every lunch break because it is fast and easy. Unfortunately eating fast food everyday has more negative effects than just weight gain, though. It can also lead to depression, digestive issues, heart disease and stroke! Make it easier for your employees to stay healthy by giving them a logoed lunch bag where they can pack a sensible lunch! Pair it with a water bottle, and you have one dynamic duo!

If you think your audience is looking for something a little more relaxing, we’ve got you covered on that front as well! Some of our favorite items include scented candles, bath salts, lip and skin care items, tumblers and mugs, and ear savers for your newest daily accessory- the mask. These items can even be packaged together as a kit to make a stunning gift for your top employees and clients.

When looking for an item to promote well-being and a clear state of mind, there are many options. Whether you are on a budget, or looking to spoil someone, we can find something for you! Please feel free to visit our Online Catalog and search things like “Wellness”, “Zen”, or “Scented Candles”, or let us know you’d like us to do the research for you! If you like an item we have on display in the blog, just Contact Us directly to get started on your order!

Stay Happy and Healthy!


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Office Security

Morale Booster

Official Paper Shredder

Barks at leaves and parking lot denizens to protect the office.

Loves getting pets and scratches to bring joy and happiness to the office! Loves to bark at visitors to “say hello”!

Will rip any paper to shreds for maximum security (and tasty) purposes.